
Cassie L. Damewood

13 Scary Bugs From Australia That Will Haunt You

Ask 20 strangers on any street in the country what foreign country they'd like to visit most and it's likely at least half will say Australia. However, if you ask them why, most will say, the laid bac

10 Of The Most Amazing Bomb Shelters

Being viewed as the world's most powerful nation is fun during international flag-waving spectacles such as the opening Olympic Games ceremonies or a rare United Nations event. But that status symbol

The 10 Lesser Known Erogenous Zones

With all the titillation surrounding us, we should be ready to rumble 24/7. Sexual innuendo has been usurped by sexual explicitness on TV and movies, as well as in song lyrics. Sexy videos of both fam

11 Of The Strangest Ways People Have Died

Nothing can stand in the way of progress. Through war, famine, tsunamis, plagues and religious and political upheavals all over the world, you'll always find a bit of news about a medical breakthrough

12 Of The Most Successful Stoners

Many baby boomers are still reeling over the legalization of marijuana in several states, with more states lined up to change their laws as well. Millions of younger people don't realize how long and

11 Celebs You Didn't Know Voiced Popular Commercials

Every day there's a new phone app that just blows people away, whether it helps you find a parking space in a busy city or lets you hook up for a little afternoon delight with a new "friend." All thes

12 Of The Most Successful Advertising Campaigns Of All Time

Advertising pervades every part of everyday life, from radio, internet and television to print media, movie screens, park benches and the sides of city buses. While the majority of consumers damn the

11 Of The Most Eligible Celebrity Lesbians

As the brand new year looms before us, many resolutions people commit to include making life affirming changes. Not all resolutions for the coming year center on breaking bad habits like smoking or ov

11 Famous Gay Men Who Married Women

Not long before we celebrated the turn of the 21st century in 2000, there was still a stigma in many circles against gay people…and not just in conservative areas of the country. With all the flamboya

Serial Monogamists: Celebs Married 8 Times Or More

Although often the subject of ridicule and the butts of tasteless jokes, people who marry time and time again cannot ever be faulted for giving up on love and happily ever after. With over half the US

17 Celebs Who Are Taller Than You Think

Judging people’s height and weight is more difficult than most think, which is why the challenge is a paid game on the promenade at many carnivals and fairs. Vantage point has a lot to do with it – ch

12 Celebs With Upgraded Smiles

Fans and followers of the glitterati are generally impressed with their idols' looks as much as their talent, wealth and lifestyle. While extensive plastic surgery is often frowned upon, celebrities w

9 Of The Most Dangerous Lakes On Earth

Few things are more inviting or soothing than fresh lake water. Wading in the cool water at the shore delights young and old alike and the thrill of diving into deep, calm water and gracefully rising

11 Celebs You Didn't Know Were Atheist

Believing in God is a topic typically banned from family reunions and cocktail parties…and for good reason: the subject is as sensitive as politics and ignites emotional fires quicker than you can say

12 Of The Most Attractive Actors Over 60

One of nature's most notable miscarriages of justice is that men generally age more gracefully than women. They commonly do much less to maintain their looks into the golden years but, in most cases,

7 Famous People Who Tragically Died From Surgical Complications

Facing mortality is one of life's most difficult challenges. People drink nasty green smoothies, deny themselves the satisfaction of eating food that makes their souls sing, and swallow handfuls of pi

The Highest-Paid Television Stars

Whether it falls under biblical coveting, low-class jealousy, or sophomoric whining about life being unfair, most everyone is simultaneously amazed and angry about the salaries famous people earn.

Celebrity Family Trees: 8 Ancestral Surprises

Before technology went mainstream and websites like were born, few people knew a lot about their long lost relatives. Sketchy details filled the fly pages of family bibles and long summer

How Much Do These 10 Celebs Pay For Home Insurance ?

While common folks often covet the grandiose homes of celebrities – or at least daydream a bit over living in a sprawling beachfront mansion – they rarely consider the cost of operating such a palace.

10 Celebs That Make Millions Off Of Real-Estate

Many celebrities dabble in business ventures outside the realm of their main careers, some of which become more successful and profitable than their original professions. The Olsen twins fashion lines

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